I am catching up with posting online my articles.
The working season slowly starts to kick in. But I know that this is not going to be the same as in previous years. I will manage my agenda in completely different way. I plan to have also days off. It may sound strange to you but when I look in my past year I see that I did not have many free days for myself.
Today I had an interesting realization. Thus I looked at the point of me being frustrated within my relationship because I could not see that I would be able to experience certain things together with my partner. Thus I noticed that I had many negative thoughts in my mind about it. And I came to the conclusion that my negative thoughts have stimulated ( on the subconscious level ) my partner to reflect to me what I was projecting to her all this time. And naturally I had more and more reasons to believe that I will never be able to experience certain things with my partner.
Now... I see that this was going on in my mind. I do not really know if my partner does not want to participate in my wish to experience certain things. In any case today I stopped myself from having these negative thoughts. And it was very liberating.