I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I fucked up. I wasted a lot of time. This is the second time when I face the same situation. I feel good and energized as a result that the energy is being released from my creations to make place for the new and this excess of energy makes me "crazy". I do not know what to do with myself and I do things ( play on the computer, masturbate etc. ) to get this old creations back. If I would like to make successful transformation then I should hold on to the breathing and just walk through it no matter what. This what is happening to me is just another example to show that we are our own greatest enemies.
Anyway this is my falling down. But I will not give up. I will get up and will learn from my mistake. And I will walk forward until I reach my goal. In any case this is the point that humans are facing time after time. It is the same for the addicts ( alcohol, drugs etc. ) or somebody who wants to stop easting sweets, do exercises or lose weight. It does not really matter what the person does. This inner enemy - which is nobody else ( e.g. devil etc. ) but ourselves - destroys our dreams. Literally we are destroying our own dreams for the sake of holding on to something that we know already. And there is basically nothing and nobody that can save us from this enemy. We can try to blame whoever we want but in the end it is us who destroys it all.
So was this the last time that I fell down ?
WOW !!!! This is an interesting and very important question. Basically it is all up to me how many more times will I fall. It happened to me already twice within 1 week. It is relatively short period between these falls but then this is also a directly provoked by me doing regularly my mental exercises and preparing for the change.
So Greg... just do it.