I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I have spent big art of my day posting online my articles. As I said yesterday I do not really have much time left to my deadline at the end of August. Thus I pushed the limits today and I made a significant step forward. Now I know that I am on track with reaching my goal.
The only point is that I might be very tired tomorrow and I might not be able to do much work tomorrow. In any case I have my appointments so I will not be able to do as much as I did today. I have left about 150 articles so if I keep my average at 30 pieces a day then I am fine.
Pushing the limits with the articles happened at the cost of other tasks. For example I did not do any physical exercises today. I did my mental exercises but their quality is lower as I am tired. But I am glad that finally I got myself to do the articles. It has been over a year since my last posts. It a big job and I really struggled to start doing it. But now at least it is moving forward.
Now I am tired and I still have to do my exercises. Thus I will stop here.