I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I worked with a patient who showed clear signs that he is comfortable in his suffering in in his sickness and he does not want to get better. I will speak with him tomorrow to see whether he has not changed his mind. He may not be fully aware of it but at the same time everybody is aware of everything that is happening to us. We just pretend that we are not aware.
Then I had another client who came to me with the back pain. I have detected that this is not just about the muscular pain and eventually we came to the conclusion where is the cause of the pain. You'll know... I was just asking some questions about possible causes of the pain and he started to talk. And the more he talked the more information he gave me pointed out clearly the cause of the pain. Obviously at first he was projecting the blame on to the outside ( a particular person ) but I have redirected him to look at himself and find the correction within himself. And I think that he got it. He made the decision that he will make all possible to correct the situation. We have also asked his body for the support.
That is all for today.