I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Now... focusing on the abundance and its source coming from within me rather than from outside is a practically effective method to calm down. It is because the outside is the creation/reflection of the inside. And thus it is rather impossible to control it out there. Yes.. we can control it to certain degree but not fully. The only way I can control it if I control my creations that come from within. Thus I say it again that through focusing on the source of the abundance inside of me I was able to relax.
But then we should ask the question about what next ? Because I do not think that focusing on this inner abundance is going to be enough.
Thus you'll see... my realisation is that if I want to have the abundance I also need to live it practically in my daily life. And what does it mean ?
Well... I would say that first I should define what abundance means. I have learned from Desteni I Process course that I should take the word ABUNDANCE and investigate it and define it. At the moment I would say that my definition of abundance is ( like most of the people in this world ) related and defined to the amount of money that I have. And this I already know that this is not real abundance. Thus when I have the definition of this word I can look at the ways to manifest/create it practically in my life.
And I will do it tomorrow.