I am catching up with posting online my articles.
The point with abundance is that although in general we associate it with money, the abundance is something different independent from money. I can give an example of a millionaire or even a billionaire who still thinks that he has not enough money. You'll see... it is all about your mind and your being. This millionaire has accumulated millions in his bank account but all the time he was having a belief in his mind that this is not enough. He has got 1 million or more but still it has been achieved from the point of the lack and not having enough.
And this leads me to the realisation that the abundance comes from within. It is me how I see and define things and it is up to me to create abundance including abundance of money.
How will I do it ?
Well... first of all I have to look into my mind and see what kind of thoughts I have there. And I have already noticed that I also have the "I have not enough" and worry about the my financial stability. And if I continue like this then I might be at the point like other millionaires still not having enough and living in stress.
Then it would be good to create abundance in my life in such a way that it is independent on the money system. Hahaha... somebody could be laughing right now. But how to do it. Well... the point is the I have already been looking at this point and in the moments of feeling stressed and having the thoughts "I have not enough" I sat down quietly and I started to focus on the abundance that is in me and the abundance that I could say "I am abundance". Taking my focus away from "I have not enough" and concentrating on my inner abundance knowing that I have the power to create the abundance in my life as me, I got relaxed and I could smile again.
Now... is this practical ?
To be continued...