I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Thus I have been looking lately at the point of abundance. Well... the money was the "hook" and focal point of it of this "looking into". Obviously I was looking into the possibilities of having more money because in our society we have defined abundance by the amount of money that somebody has. And so if you follow my articles then you should remember that I investigate the point of investing into cryptocurrencies and see whether this would be something that could go along the principle of what is best for all.
Anyway... this thing with investing is giving me some profits but I cannot rely on it completely and for example give up my job. I do not want to stop my job because this is something that I like but at the same time it would be nice to have this extra income from investing.
Thus because investing does not give me stable income thus I have to continue earn money and get along with the system in which I have to pay money. And for example today I had to buy new tires for my car. Then I had to buy gasoline, some food etc. and in the end I had quite a lot of expenses as for 1 day.
To be continued...