I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Lately I have talked with about 20 persons offering them help with their health issues. Unfortunately most of them ( including my family ) are very sceptical and do not take me seriously. I can understand them because in the end I am not a doctor. But on the other hand the doctor whom they trust so much and whom they see almost as god could not help them. As a matter of fact I would say that the approach of the doctors who treat the symptoms instead of the cause of the problem has given these people a lot of additional problems caused by the side effects of the medications. I do not have to be a doctor to read the ecyclopedia and see that the side effects from the tablets prescribed by the doctors are very often much worse than the original problem.
But most of the people do not do it ( read the side effects ). Or even if they do or if they heard from somebody else about it, they do not react because they think that they will not be affected. But they are mistaken. It is enough to look around and see the state of the health of all the people. They are sick. They are weak. But they do not see it.
You'll know... I talk directly with people and I tell them in their face all the facts about their sickness and how to get healthy. But they do not get it. They are blind and they are deaf. All that I see is they think that I am crazy or something like this. And other people say that they will go and check with their doctor.
WTF !!! The doctor could not help them until now. So how can he be able to help them now ?!As I mentioned above even my family members don't get what I say to them. So I simply have to let them go and keep searching for people who still have some of their "vision" left.