I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Unfortunately there came the moment when I see that my relationship with another being is not effective anymore. In the principles of the effective relationship there is a point that this relationship should make each of us stronger individually and then this union of 2 people should make us stronger being together rather then acting and doing things individually. And I do not see it in my relationship. We have got overwhelmed by the shit coining from the mind and we are not effective in solving it.
Thus having another emotional reaction this morning I have taken decision that we will take a break for a month and then we can try to talk if we decide to do so. My partner cannot understand it but for me I see that this break will allow the mind's shit to settle down ( like the sand in the water that has been stirred up and got murky ) and then we will have the chance to have some more clarity about what to do.The question is if we will be bale to talk then ? If we will want to talk at all ?
You'll know... this was the most beautiful relationship that I had in my life so far. There was no violence or anything so "heavy" and thus I would suspect that we will be able to be at least good friends. There is the possibility that we will not get back together into relationship but I know that at least we will be friends.
We will see how it all goes. Of course I need to look at myself and solve my points. Otherwise taking this break will be not effective at all.