I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I was chatting on skype with a friend. I've known him for few years now. Right now he is somehow suffering because of the unpleasant situation at work, which I also see has directly affected his health.
He is my friend but I started to work with him as my client/patient. In the beginning he was making good progress. Later came stagnation followed by fall-back. Then he was trying to come back but he has not recovered from it yet. And now he is lost and he has serious health problems, which in big part are the result of side effects caused by medications.
Anyway I was there observing how the things develop. I was trying to help and assist him so that he does not have to go through all of this shit. But he decided to not listen to me. That is all fine. He has the right to do what he wants. But then he is not aware that he was lost. And probably he still is. He still refuses to take my help in the form of suggestions etc.
Now... here is the question...
How come I am so sure that this could have been prevented and that I saw what was coming ?
Well... I could see it very easily. I could see the point when he was presented with the possibility to leave the old life and start new life. He did not do it. I was there trying to assist him but he was not listening. There were various reasons but then I see that it was fear within him that stopped him. Of course this was his fear ( illusion ) that he created in his mind. He is totally responsible for all of it.
Anyway... let's see how it all ends up. At the moment he has serious health problems and if he continues like this then it may get worse.