I am catching up with posting online my articles.
My thing with the investment is going rather slow. Well... I dedicate a lot of time resources but the results in form of the profit are not as big as I wished for especially because I had some good opportunities to make profit.
Now... there comes one important point when it comes to investment. In the past I wrote an article about it. Thus the investments should be ideally made to support the companies in their goals. And optimally it would be if the company set themselves the goal that is best for all. And here I have to say that I do not really know what the companies ( that I invest in ) do. My investment is based on speculations - buy low and sell higher.
It is clear that I do it for money. Of course the question remains if that goes along the goal of what is best for all ?
The quick answer to this question is NO.
But at the same time I will give myself the period of 3 months to it and see where this will take me.
I did not know how to approach this topic because of my point that I wrote in my article in the past about the investment. But now putting it down on the paper and allowing myself to test if for 3 months gives me somehow relief. Because before I felt some tension in me that I could possibly go against my values of what is best for all. Now I will test whether the investment point can go along the principle and then I will make the decision.