I am catching up with posting online my articles.
So I am facing the point with my partner when we are seemingly on the contrary poles of polarities. And while we see the things from different perspectives we cannot find a way to communicate effectively. We have been trying for days to find a way out of this stagnation point but we are not able to move forward even 1 cm literally.
On one hand I am disappointed that we have come to this point because we are rather more aware beings when I compare myself to the average person from the crowd. Apart from this we are therapist working with people helping them with their issues ( including relationship problems ) and we were preparing to offer courses about this topic. But in the end we are ineffective in solving our own issues, which immediately puts in doubt my right to offer courses and teach others.
But on the other hand I am not surprised at all about what is happening between us. It is simply that we are facing our supressed shit from the sub- and unconscious mind and we are reflecting it back to each other. The only problem with it is that we are not dealing with it effectively enough ( which I disappointing ) and we "feel" overwhelmed by it to the point that we come to consider more often the breakup. Obviously the separation will not solve the shit. Though we could use the comparison to a water that has been stirred up and it becomes murky. So the separation would help the sand and rubbish to settle down on the bottom and the water will become clear. And so we can have some clarity of what to do because for now we do not see much in the murky water of our mind shit.