I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I had a moment in which I stated within my head that it is rather difficult to gain regular income from investing. I thought that from time to time I could be doing investing and get some benefits but this would not be something sustainable. And so I left this thought.
Later in the evening I had an annoying experience with investing because I made an emotional decision and through this I lost to gain some profit. I knew before that I must avoid making emotional decisions but this time it has got me. But at least I did not lose any money and I made some tiny profit.
But then I made the second emotional decision. I was annoyed that I made the same mistake. So I decided to sell my position just because my decision was done wrong. Unfortunately it was too late. I could sell only part of my shares and the rest is waiting in the queue. I am rather confident that I will be able to recover it later but for now I am behind. I could have made some profit on it but I know that there will come a moment when I will make big loss. Thus I need to really eliminate the emotions from my investing business.
But this is not all. After these 2 annoying experiences I continued to look at the computer screen and I realised that there is really a possibility to have somehow stable income from it. Of course this is just an idea. Now I will need to test it and see if that is possible in practical life. But still it was interesting this realisation because this thought that I had earlier during the day ( when I could not see this possibility ) was so different. It was as if I was accessing other dimensions or something like this. It was a different moment then.
We will see how it goes. In any case I have no plan to quite my job as a therapist. As a matter of fact I see it as something that would enhance me as a therapist and it would also help me with my projects because then I could stay longer at home.