I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I spent almost all day on the computer. Now it is late at night and I have slight headache. I mean this is related to overworking my brain - not the real headache. I am not proud of myself that I have wasted all day with the computer. I worked a little bit with clients and I did couple of my exercises but that was not enough.
Now... the interesting is that I did not breathe correctly while working on the computer. My breath was shallow quite often. But I made myself a test at night and the results I very good. Well... my heart has got back in the progress a tiny bit but the rest is really good. I guess I have finally worked out effective way to breathe. The only problem is that I only breathe good when I do the test. And while working on the computer I did not.
Anyway I would have to do a test for 1 or 2 days when I breathe as much as I can using this effective breathing technique and see whether I will also feel the difference in my body. I say it because it may be that the results of my instrument are not corresponding with the reality. Thus I would expect that if I breathe correctly all day then I would have more energy and for example I would need to sleep less. Or maybe there would be something that would improve when it comes to my body. But I will only know it if I do it.