I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This is the continuation of the previous article:
I continue to make progress with my heart. I have to say that last few days I have been working too much on the computer and my breathing and other exercises were not done properly but still I see that I have done already a lot of good work and my body is holding stability in the improvement. Of course I could be much better if I kept the discipline but still I am much better than before. And it is not just that I feel it within myself and my body but I can also see it with my medical instrument that I use to test and monitor my body and heart.
Hmmm.... I do not know what to write anymore.
I am wondering how much more time will I need to get my heart and the ECG to the optimal form ?!
At some point I suspected that this could be a done relatively quickly but then there are distractions in life and there is lack of discipline. Thus in the end it is all up to me how long will it take to heal my heart. And then probably the same applies to my teeth which I am trying to regenerate as they have been destroyed when I was a child with amalgam ( heavy metal ) dentist feelings. We will see how it goes. In any case I have to stay focused and disciplined if I want to achieve my objective.
To be continued...