I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I worked more. Now it is late and I feel tired. But then I slept 4 hours last night and I had 17min siesta. This this can also explain why I feel tired. I am almost falling asleep while writing down my article.
Right now I also feel some pain like discomfort in my heart. Maybe I should measure myself with my medical instrument but then I do not feel like doing anything now apart from going to bed. Then I am also thinking that this heart pain may also be related to the point that my relationship is over ( it looks like that because we have not been communicating for 4 days now ) and during the day I felt tension in my body ( chest and stomach ).
I really do not feel like doing the test but I do it for the sake of science to know what is going on in my body right now.
I have nothing else to say now.
I will do the test now and I come back to tell you about the results.
In the end it is all good. The measurement is within norm. My ECG needs to be improved but it is like before.
I wish I could find a method for giving my body the energy in the moments like this when I am so tired. I thought that I would be able to do it with breathing but in the end this is not enough or I am not doing it correctly.