I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I have found myself new thing to do. Thus I have decided to go into the cryptocurrency investment. I have some experience from the past about the stock exchange thus I am able to learn relatively quickly how it all works.
Lately I have less work with my regular job thus having the possibility to invest and possibly to earn some money would be excellent. Of course I need to earn this money first. In any case I can observe myself how I am while doing it. In the past I was acting emotional. This time I am more reserved. I am more cool. I do not invest all of my money into it. This is high risk investment and thus I use only small part of my savings.
It is late at night and I hear people singing the "happy birthday" song out on the street. They try to express their happiness but when I listen to it there is nothing really happy about it. Some of the people scream as loud as they can to make themselves to be heard by everybody around. They do not really care that some other people already sleep and their screaming surely would wake up others. Anyway... as you probably know already I am not a fan of celebrating birthdays. I do not see any reason to celebrate it. If these celebrations carried the real joy and "substance" then it would be different story but in most of cases people get drunk and behave stupid.
Now I go to sleep.