I am catching up with posting online my articles.
It is very quiet at work. I spend most of the time at home doing my things. And I really love it. I learn new things. I do things in my own time in a relaxed way. But of course I have to find a way to sustain myself financially.
Last night I slept for 4 hours only. And it was interesting that I woke up just before the alarm went off. I opened my eyes and I was awake. There was slight noise caused by the wind moving the windows and maybe this woke me up but still this moment of opening my eyes and being awake instantly is amazing. I had it sometime in my life already. Then I had 30 min siesta during the day but all together I slept for 4,5 hours today. And I wish I could sleep no more than that every night.
Another point is that I have no communication with my partner. We came to the point when it was too much for her and probably this will be the end or at least pause in our relationship. I know that I have written about it already few times and then we got back together but this time the separation is deeper. It looks like we are not able to transform the things while being together and we will be dong it separately. Maybe we will get back together again. But for now we have no contact and I do not know when we will stat to talk again. There was no violent clash between us. We just face misunderstanding and inability to find the solution to difficult points. We will see.