I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I observe that my days are less productive lately. Maybe this is because of summer. But still I cannot say that I am lazy as I am doing always something to move forward with my projects. I may be doing much less than in other times but still I make small steps forward.
Anyway let's get back to the title. I have an interesting "conflict" with a friend of mine. She is insisting that I have a problem because I am too much in my mind and I do not connect with the heart. And you'll know... she has been telling me that very often and I am willing to look at this point within myself because she may be right about it. But the now there came the point that this friend of mine seems to be in complete denial of her mind and she gives superiority to the heart and sexuality. We tried to talk about this point many times but it almost always ends with inability to comprehend this point.
Anyway... this is her decision what to do about it. When I look at myself and my process it is very "enlightening" the realization that we must not fight against the mind and include it and accept it. In the end it is part of us. Of course I also should be looking at this point with giving more focus on my heart because it looks like I have given too much importance to the mind and my heart is a little abandoned.