I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I finished my fasting. Altogether I did not eat food for about 60 hours. I did not take the normal food but I supported my body with minerals and vitamins. And if I compare it with fasting that I did some time in the past, then I need to say that this time it was much easier. And what is also interesting is that this morning I did not really feel hungry. And I think that I could go on for another day.
Then I saw my ECG readings being much better than before fasting. Yesterday was a little bit better but in the end there is improvement. During the day when started to eat food the diagram made couple of steps backward but then I will see more in the morning tomorrow. Because then I can compare with the yesterday's measurements and see if I have permanent improvement in my heart.
In any case I see that the fasting is somehow good for my body. And thus will do it regularly. I do not know yet how often but for sure I will investigate this point and whether it really has positive influence on human body and the process of self healing.
To be continued...