I am catching up with posting online my articles.
So I am on holiday... it is nice to be here in different place and see different people and nature. But still in the background there is this point with my pending tasks like for example posting online my JTL articles. But then even if I wanted and if I found some time to do it here now, I could not really do it because I do not have access to my main computer. And now simply I have to wait till I get back home.
The things with my partner go forward but rather slow and it seems that this is all too much, too overwhelming. But we have not really the choice. Because we either transform the points no matter what or we will split because we are already on the edge and there is no margin for error. When saying error I mean that one of us gives up or gets stuck behind with solving the points and the issues that we are facing in our relationship. In any case the guiding point for me is in the most difficult moments: THERE IS ALWAYS A CONSTRUCTIVE SOLUTION. It is just a matter of not giving up.
And now somebody may say:
How come I write about not giving up if 2 days ago I wanted to finish my relationship ?
Well... yes... that is true. Though the point is that if my partner did not transform and did not make a step forward within her process then we would probably split because I could not agree on the point that my partner stays behind and does not move forward. Now we have given ourselves some time and we have to continue to effectively solve our issues.