I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Uppsss... having very difficult conversation with my partner. It looks like she is completely stuck and she does not see what is going on. And what is worse is that she does not want to do something to correct it. Of course she says that she wants but she does not know what to do. I said many times to her that she could try to do certain specific thing but somehow she completely ignores it and resists to do it. And now it looks like we will have to go separate ways to work out the points. She will work on her points and I will work on my points alone.
On one hand I feel sad but on the other I am at peace. Somehow it feels ok to let her go her own way. The rule to have successful relationship is that I must be at peace and in center within myself. And then the same must be with my partner. And then these 2 beings who are at peace and center will have the opportunity to create something together. The relationship should make them stronger and better as human beings individually and then also they should be stronger together as "group" rather than being on their own. Unfortunately at the moment I do not see it happening.
I need to travel tomorrow morning. And now it is late. Thus I will finish my article here.