I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I had a very nice relaxing day with my partner. But still there came a point of friction in the afternoon. Though this time it was so much different than before. Instead of going into emotional reactions of the mind we were able to talk and look for constructive solution. And I am really pleased with it. Though this was a really hard work of few months to get to this point. And there were many moments when it seemed that there is no progress or that we are going back. And there were moments when we wanted to finish the relationship. But somehow we managed to stay together. And the guiding point was for me in this difficult moments that there is always a constructive solution.
And so it was. The solution was not always visible straight away but it was there. And it was just a matter of having patience and staying focused on the point that there is the constructive solution. Not a compromise but constructive solution.
Now... although the things are getting better it does not mean that there will be no more difficult moments. This I already know. And I am not even expecting the "happy after" from the films and romantic books.
So this is all for today. I just wanted to share with you happiness of seeing the progress.