I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I had a day off. I did not really plan to have free day but I did not have any appointments and I decided it in the morning in the "last moment". I went to the mountain with my partner. As I said it was my day off. I did not work with the clients but I had somehow an intensive day talking with my partner about our points. I would really like to have an easy day but then I understand that we have certain points in our relationship and unless we do not work them out then they will be affecting us.
Thus we talked about topics which have been there for couple of weeks now. We are both at the point where we are a little bit tired and overwhelmed by them at the same time and we would like to finish them as soon as possible. But the reality is that we are not able to do it in an instant. Though the good point is that we have made another small step forward today and when I look back to the beginning I can definitely say that we have made significant progress.
You'll know... relationship is really hard work. Of course it has also a lot of good points but still there are points from the past relationships ( traumas, pains, deceptions etc. ) and now it all needs to be cleared up. I realise that each of us needs to work individually on our own processes but then I can also see that thanks to my partner ( who is a direct mirror reflection to me ) I can see more things and transform them much quicker. The word "quicker" is relative because when I am working on certain point it seems like eternity. And sometimes I think that there is no solution. But then I also realise that although it seems the process seems slow I would probably need many years to work out everything by myself. Thus I know that I walk slow but fast at the same time. In any case the point is the same. I have to do it anyway and putting a label on it as slow or fast is the perception of my mind and in the end it does not change anything.