I am catching up with posting online my articles.
My day was rather relaxed but still I was doing things all day. I do not have problems working long hours but I notice that I have slowly enough of working so many hours with the computer. I am very content that I can do a lot of things on the computer myself ( e.g graphic design etc. ) but I am getting tired from it as there is always so many things that need to be taken care of.
Apart from this I am working on couple of difficult topics with my partner. It looks like it is too much to handle and we feel overwhelmed by them. I have to say that we have already transformed a lot of heavy points but still we did not have a break to relax and we had to immediately deal with other heavy topic. And because this is all overwhelming it may happen that we will have to take the break for some time and stabilise ourselves separately. Still I am aware that there is possibility to transform the points while being together but then there would have to be the absolute dedication and discipline. I will communicate it to my partner tomorrow and I will see what she says about it.
Last night I woke up after 4 hours and I got out of bed. I sat on the chair but it was difficult for me to keep and I went back to bed. Of course I fell asleep. Although I woke up late I got myself to do my exercises. I am pleased that I see that my discipline is coming back.