I am catching up with posting online my articles.
It has been the second day in the row when I get up with the alarm. And this is the also the second day when I slept less than 5 hours. Last night I slept just over 4 hours and then I had a siesta for about 20 min during the day. During the day I was ok when it comes to tiredness but now it is 1 am and this time it seems to be too much for me. I mean that I am getting tired already although normally I tend to go to sleep later.
Today I was supposed to make the plan which would help me to organize my day and become more effective with all my tasks and responsibilities. I did not do it because I did not have time. But then it was not necessary to make the plan as I was effective when it comes to time management today.
I do not know whether I am tired just because of little sleep or simply I have enough of the computer !?
Here is the finish of my article as I am tired and I do not know what to write anymore.