I am catching up with posting online my articles.
So finally I have broken through my weak point. This morning I woke up with the alarm after 4 hours and I did not go back to bed. I went to the living room and I started to do my things there. I had only short ( less than 15 min ) break lying in my bed. Still it is important to say that I slept maybe 5 min. Probably I would sleep longer ( I set up alarm clock for 30 min ) but I got woken by a phone call.
Anyway today I had a very effective day. I slept all together about 4 hours and 5 min and I did a lot of things. Mainly I was cleaning my house but I also attended a client and I spent a nice time with my partner going to the disco.
I can only say that I wish to have many more days like this one.
I do not know yet what should I do about this night. Because sleeping 2 nights in a row with 4 hours may be too much stress for my body. Hmmmm... I will set up alarm for 4 hours and then for 5 hours. And I will see. Though I have an appointment in the morning and I can not really stay too long in bed.
My heart measurement are not impressive. The ECG is at the same level as in the beginning of the experiment. And the values of toxins in my body have increased. So I am not within the healing values. And I feel stuck on this point. I don't really know what should I do about it. Maybe the short sleep has also something to do with it ?!