I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I used to regard myself as somebody who has a very good self-discipline. But lately I start to see that I am somehow weaker on this point. It has been already 2nd night in the row when I wake up after 4 hours ( with the alarm clock ) and I feel fresh and well but still I lie down in bed and I fall asleep while doing my exercises ( breathing and mental ). Later I did that 3-4 times last night ( morning ) and in the end I got out of bed after 9 o'clock being completely f..ed up in my body. Although I had so much sleep my eyes were swollen and was lethargic and I had this uncomfortable sensation in my head.
Then there is another point because getting out of bed so late messed up with my plan for the day. And so I did not do as much as I wanted and now I feel uncomfortable within myself.
Ok... I had to work a little bit more in the last couple of days and this is another distraction taking me away from my other projects but then at the moment I have no other choice than to work as I need money to pay my bills and expand in my projects.
My heart experiment has reached some kind of stagnation or going back phase. It is frustrating for me but then when I look at how it all flows I would say that this is normal pattern. I saw this in the past in my own experience and also with other people. It is that I got lost within my experiment and I am doing something wrong ( although I was already doing it good ) and now I struggle to find out how I was doing it good before. As I said it is frustrating but still I just need to hold on, keep trying and eventually I will find my way.
Now I will do breathing exercise as I think this helps with better sleep and then I have some rest. The plan is to get up out of bed after 4 hours and not go back no matter what.