This is the continuation of the previous article:
In the last 2 weeks I have seen some people having the symptoms of cold and flu. It is summer but still there was another wave of the sickness and one of my friends could not work for couple of days as a result of it.
As I said I saw some people going struggling with the symptoms and myself I noticed the changes in the mucous in my body - it became thicker. I thought that I will stay away from it but today I started to have itchy throat. As you know from my previous articles I have already investigated the topic of preventing the sickness ( in this case cold and flue ) and I had significant and provable results. Thus when I noticed that my throat started to get itchy I realised that I have to do something about it as the cold is invading my body.
And so I did. I did a breathing exercises in which I also switched off my mind. I mean I reduced the activity of my mind as much as possible by stopping my thoughts as much as I can. According to my understanding the sickness comes as a result of the energy smog in the mind from too much thoughts and other mind shit and the body is using cold to clean itself from it with the help of bacteria, viruses etc. By stopping my mind I somehow help my body by stopping overloading it with this shit and so when I am effective then my body can clean itself without going into the full sickness.
After doing my exercises I feel somehow better. But now it is late and I should go to sleep now. I only hope that the sickness will not develop more overnight. In any case I will do a little bit more of my exercises now.
To be continued...