I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I have been working for a very long time ( about 7-8 hours ) on the computer. Yesterday as well and now there is the accumulation effect. What I see now is that my measurement is worse than it used to be. And because I had a similar issue 3 weeks ago so I have now confirmation that there is a link with my health and the work on the computer for very long hours.
I still do not know whether the problem is related to the electromagnetic radiation of the computer and the monitors ( I have 3 monitors ) or whether it becomes problematic because I do not breathe correctly.
Yes... I say that I do not breathe correctly. I try to do my best but when I concentrate on my task then I forget and my breathe is shallow. In any case I am glad that I am coming to some conclusions. Of course I may be wrong with the computer and maybe the problem is with the diet. Well... I just need to have patience, test the things one by one and see the results.
Now I go to sleep as I am very tired from the computer and inefficient breathing.
To be continued...