I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I have been busy almost all day with work but the difference is that I have been doing different type of work. Thus I was doing therapies and the teachings of other people. And this is something which I have been thinking about for almost 2 years. And not the things are becoming my reality. I have earned some money from it and there will be more coming in the near future. So the things go really good. And the transition goes quite smooth. This was the point of concern for me but in the end all is going well.
Of course the transition is not over yet but it is obvious that I will be giving more time and energy towards this new path in my work. I will continue doing my previous job but I will dedicate more and more time and energy to this new path because I see that here I am more effective for the reason that I will be working with groups of people instead of individual persons.
And here I am stuck. I do not know what to write anymore. In any case I have written all that was necessary in this topic. Thus I will finish it here.