I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I had a nice day off. But still I do not know what to write. I have this issue with not knowing about writing when I work a lot and/or when I am tired but as you can see, it is also when I am rested. Thus I can say that I am somehow stuck. Well... maybe I am not stuck because I have very intensive conversation with my partner talking about "deep" topics and then we make some profound changes. Some of the points go rather slow but then we have proof that we make progress and this is the most important thing. I will write about it in my JTL articles but somehow I do not see anything in particular in this moment.
My skin with the red inflammation spots gets better slowly. When it gets better I will do experiment again to see which ( if any ) food provoked the reaction. Maybe the cause of it is on the emotional level or maybe both. I will need to have patience and test it.
I see that my articles are somehow superficial but then this is the way it is for the moment.