I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I am writing my article during day which I have not done for a very long time. I decided to do so because I have visit of my friend and I would like to be free in the evening. I kind of enjoy it knowing that my responsibility for the day will be done and I do not have to think about it anymore.
Today I have not done my test of my heart because I had early appointments but I continue with my experiment.
Right in this moment I feel stuck and I do not know what I could write. Normally I would leave my article for later but in this case I don't want to do it.
Well... because I do not know what to write I will do my test right now. I am inside of the restaurant but then nobody can really see what I do. And even if they did then it does not matter.
So I did myself that test of my heart in the restaurant. It looks like the food that I ate here was not so good. But still I see it now and I can do something about cleaning the rise of the toxins that came with the food.
So now I finish and I am free from my responsibility to write an article.