I am catching up with posting online my articles.
My life is changing. I start to go in the direction of teaching others which is really enjoyable for me for 2 reasons: it gives me joy to share my experiences unto others and it is less intensive physically when I compare it to work with massages.
Then I continue doing the experiments with my body. I do not understand why I have outbreak of acne-like red spots on my back but well... at the moment I have no clarity what to do with it so I will simply observe it and wait till I know it.
Today I have an interesting feeling of I feel like I so not get enough air in my body. In the last 3 weeks I have been doing a more of breathing exercises and I guess my body has got used to it. And now when I breathe a little bit less intensive in the last 3 days then I get this feeling of lacking air. Anyway I will go to my breathing exercises and observe it further how it goes with the lack of air.
I am tired now and I will finish it here. I need to get rest.