I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I do not know particularly what to write so I will simply write something just to write.
Thus my measurements are rather stable and good. As I said in the previous articles my values indicate that my body is in the state when it can direct resources into healing instead of focusing on eliminating of toxins and shutting down certain parts or functions to get the energy for the top priority functions. The 2 elements that require healing ( at least those that are most visible ) are my heart and the teeth. It can be that the heart is not in the optimal shape as a result of the teeth. In any case both parts of my body needs support and healing.
I am going through the moments of doubts when I question the sense of doing all that I am doing. But then I know that this is just temporary and I simply breathe and hold on. And then the things change and all goes better ( e.g. I see sense in it again ). I am kind of pioneer. I am walking through the unknown territory where there are no "street signs" etc. I hope to find the right way but I have no guarantee that I will do so. I take a risk but I am not afraid of it as I am not happy and not content with all the things and situations that are in my life right now. So I will do my best to find the exit.
The main point to improve is the sleeping. Well... actually the waking up because this would give me more time to do all the pending tasks. But I have been stuck on this point for couple of years now. I do the things to change it but then I do not see the results so I know that I am not doing enough.
Why not ?
Good question. I have my excuse like: I am tired or I stay a little bit longer in bed and then fall asleep again etc. etc. etc.