I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Again another interesting thing related to my hearth. Thus the values of my heart according to the medical instrument that I am using, are not strong but my body is at the state where it can heal and regenerate itself. My body is cleaning itself well from the toxins ( heavy metals etc. ) and it has surplus of minerals, vitamins, oxygen and energy. It will take some time and thus my task is to maintain this surplus all the time if I can.
So this is the medical instrument that is part of this experiment with healing my heart. But then today I met a friend ( who is also a therapist ) and according to him my body is getting worse. He is saying that something is not right with the kidneys and bladder and apart from this since today he can also feel something related to my hearth and the appendix.
I asked my friend about the practical solution to this issue. His answer was to take some supplements that he is using in his therapies. But then I am already using my supplements and I was told that there is not need to use anything else.
Anyway I decided at the end that I will stay with my program and I asked my friend to continue to monitor me ( with the use of kinesiology ) for another week and so I will see how the situation develops itself. You'll know... this thing with my heart and teeth is kind of serious and there is not much margin for error but still I stay with the readings of my instrument.
Later in the afternoon I asked my partner ( she is also a therapist ) if she can feel anything as not being balanced within my body. I received an advice to lie down in the sun. And so I did it. But then I cannot really say that I felt any difference ( at least not now ).
Thus as you can see I have my doubts and this is the reason why I ask for assistance of my friends. I am open to hear some suggestion and practical solutions but then I do not take anything that I hear.
To be continued...