I am catching up with posting online my articles.
So I am in the process of doing my first step. This step includes exercises, nutrition with supplements and breathing. There was a period of few days when it seemed that I am making some progress but since the last 3 days there is fall back. I still do not understand what could be the reason for this fall. I am looking at the point of nutrition because I remember that my professor told me once that taking some toxic substances ( here I suspect the cacao powder ) may block the body's process of cleaning itself and through this we will have the point of accumulation of toxins. And so I can see it with my medical instrument which I use to test my body.
Of course I might be mistaken and this has nothing to do with the cacao. Maybe the problem comes from my teeth ? If you follow my articles then you will know that I am trying to regenerate my teeth and right now I have couple of teeth with holes in them as the dental feeling has fallen out.
I am very disappointed right now as few days ago my results were very good. And now I struggle to keep my body within the good values. I have to breathe really hard to keep it up.
Another source of my bad measurements could be the result of me working long hours on the computer. This could be also the cause of the problem especially because I see that my breathing is not optimal when I work with the computer. I try my best but still I see that I forget about my breath quite often.
To be continued...