I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Thus I have been doing lately experiment with the breathing as I want to find out what is the most optimal breathing technique so that my body receives the oxygen and all the necessary energy. What I see so far is that my breathing is quite good when I pay attention to it but when I don't then the diagrams are rather bad.
Part of this experiment is investigation of the point whether I can use breathing as an alternative energy source when I am hungry or tired. Now it is vary late ( about 2.30 am ) and I am rather tired. I have tried to breathe deep for the last 30 min but somehow I cannot get enough energy from the breathing and as a matter of fact I want to lie in bed now as the tiredness starts to overwhelm me. I felt better for some time in the beginning but now the tiredness has got me.
Somehow the deep breathing before the sleep helps me to have better rest but still I need to concentrate on being disciplined when it comes to snoozing. I sleep around 6 hours but still I feel that I can do less.
My eyes are falling down. I will switch off my computer now and I lie down in bed. I will try to do a little bit more of breathing exercises.