I am catching up with posting online my articles.
And yet another easy day when it comes to work. But still I could not call it a day off as I spent many hours in front of the computer doing publicity. But then having break from doing massages which are physically intensive is something good for me.
Thus I was working on the computer but at the same time I was monitoring my body ( with my medical instrument ) in terms of its functioning. Through this test I wanted to see how the breathing can keep my body in good state when it comes to its functioning. I know from the past experiences ( the last one I had yesterday ) how intensive ( mentally ) working on the computer can be and how I was affected in negative way through working many hours for many days in the past. Thus now I push myself to breathe deep when sitting in front of the computer. And I can see that somehow I feel better and I can also see it on my instrument.
Apart from this I am going through some deep and difficult issues with my partner. It seems that we have allowed ourselves to accumulate too many unresolved issues and now we feel overwhelmed by them. Somebody could ask how this is possible that a guy like me ( I wrote some articles about it in the past ) can allow something like this to happen. Well... it happened. We tried to solve the issues when they were coming and we did a lot of profound changes and transformations but still went too fast and to deep and now we are overwhelmed. In any case we work on the issues. It all goes very slow but this slow pace is the only effective thing at the moment. So that is ok.