I am catching up with posting online my articles.
It is late but I am not so tired. Today I did not work with the clients. Probably I spent too much time on the computer. But still I do not know what to write. I am stuck.
Lately I am doing some experiments with the diet and breathing. I do not remember if I wrote something about it already. In any case I do some changes in the diet and I do deep breathing exercises and later I do the test of my body with the use of a medical instrument. Today my measurements do not look too good. Well... they are not bad but normally I have much better results. And I am wondering why is this change in the results. I did today more intensive exercises in the gym but then I would rather say that my results are worse because of working too much on the computer. But then this is probably nothing to do with working on the computer but rather with the fact that I did not breathe correctly. I think my breathing was shallow and it provoked this impact on my test results. Of course I need to investigate this point further.
Also there is the point that it is late and from the past experience I know that this also affects the tests. Maybe it is that all the points come together and lower my results ? This can be also true.
In any case I am investigating and researching whether I can have strong results at night if I really take care of my body during the day for example through breathing deep all day ( at least as much as I can ).
I will keep you updated.