I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Although I was motivated to get up early in the morning after 4 hours of sleep I still make the same mistake of turning off the alarm clock and lying back in bed. I sleep less than 6 hours and I feel rather ok but the point with 4 hours sleep is not working.
So what do I do about it ?
Well... I will continue trying because I have no other choice to do. I know for sure that sleeping 8 hours or more is not working at all for me. If I did it then I would feel completely fucked up. At the same time I realise that having a good intention and trying to sleep less but not doing what I know that I should be doing ( getting out of bed when I woke up with the alarm ) cannot be going on forever. I must make some progress. I must... I must... I must... It does not matter that it seems to be difficult. I need to do it for a period of at least 3 weeks and only then I will be able to say if that does not work.
Now it is late and I am tired. And I may not be able to get up after 4 hours. In any case I have early appointment tomorrow and I will not be bale to sleep more than 6 hours either. But I will focus again on the point of sleeping less and not going back to bed after I wake up with the alarm.