I am catching up with posting online my articles.
You'll know... there are many jokes about the doctors telling their patients to do exercises and take care of their health while the doctor himself is overweight and smokes cigarettes. At the same time these jokes are not jokes at all and they - simply speaking - say the truth about the doctors and their bad state of health.
Myself I have realised it already some years ago and I decided that I will stay away for the doctors as much as I can unless I see that the doctor is healthy himself. And because I work as a therapist of natural medicine and thus I understand my body much better than average person and so I can take care of my health. Though I have to say that I also needed help from other therapist as I could not see within myself the causes of my own health issues. In any case within myself I have this point that if I want to treat other people first I need to be the practical example of health.
Anyway... in the last couple of weeks I had a chance to observe more closely couple of owners of health food stores. General idea behind the health food stores is that these shops give people the possibility to buy better and healthier foods, supplements and natural medications. And all together this should be the alternative and solution to the problem with medications prescribed by the doctors with all the side effects ( serious and less serious ) that these medication carry within themselves. But then there is the point that if people can buy in these shops healthy foods and natural supplements then the owners of these shops should be a practical example of somebody having healthy body.
Unfortunately this is not the case.
To be continued...