I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Now it is very late. It has been very long time since I went to bed so late. Actually I am still not in bed. First I have to write my JTL article. And I do not know what to write.
Anyway I try to think now - although I am tired - about my day and look for something that would be worth writing about.
Thus today I had a chance to work with a person who is the owner of the health food store. Mainly I worked with the clients of this shop ( doing health analysis and consultations ) but then at the end I also tested the owner of the shop. It was very interesting to see that the OWNER OF THE HEALTH FOOD STORE offering the healthy solutions to his clients was not healthy at all. Neither his parents. You'll know... one of my colleagues ( another therapist ) has told me already that the owners of these shops and then also the doctors are one of the most sick people. And the reason for this is that they take the supplements and medications ( in case of doctors ) too easy. They think that they know what they are doing but then they do not know all the truth about the side effects from medications and natural supplements and later they pay the price with their health.
Anyway... I today I had a clear example of what my colleague was telling me before.
To be continued...