I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This thing with the 3 meals will probably be changed when I train regularly because then my body needs more nutrients. I am not sure yet if this is going to be always like this or only during the periods of 2-3 days when my body is building the muscles. When my body stabilizes then I may eat 2 ( maybe 3 ) meals.
It is important to mention here that I also investigate the point of breathing. And for this study I will use a special medical measuring computer. Just like the body needs the nutrients from the food so it does require good breathing to provide oxygen and eliminate CO2 from the body. Good breathing also activates the metabolism and it makes it all easier to process food that I eat. Maybe I will require to eat less because of the breathe. We will see how it all goes.
It is late at night and I somehow feel hungry. I just did a lot of breathing exercises and maybe this is the cause of my hunger. So I will have a little snack.