I am catching up with posting online my articles.
It is rather late. And I still have to write the article. It is obvious - from how I choose the words - that I do not feel like writing it now. But I have to do it no matter what.
In the last 2 weeks I had a chance to meet a friend who just like me is a therapist of natural medicine though he is a very good specialist in the field of nutrition. And listening to him I have got motivated to do some changes in my diet. This is not the first time that I am doing experiment in my diet and probably this will not be the last one. But still I want to write about it because I already see some interesting points within it.
Thus I notice that I am able to have only 3 meals a day. And this is something incredible for me because basically all of my life I have been always eating something between my main meals. Usually I ate fruits so we could say that this was a "healthy version" when we compare it with other people who eat sweets, cakes etc. but still I had a feeling inside me that this eating in between is not really that optimal. And I wished for a long time to change it but I did not know how to do it.
Now I have the answer. Though I have to mention here that I was somehow forced to look for this answer because I feel like my body is struggling with my habit of eating in between the meals. Anyway I have tried the new system for the last 4 days and I am able to go through the day with just 3 meals without snacks.
To be continued...