I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I think I have already mentioned not long ago something about it in my article. But now I see that I want to write separate article dedicated to this topic.
Thus in the last couple of years I have been involved in the situation of trying to gain my financial stability within the system. This was recommended within the group as we realised that without financial stability our effectiveness with in the system is low. And so I started to work on this point within my life. It took me some 4 years but now my stability is rather secured. Though the problem is that to secure this stability I needed to dedicate a lot of time and energy resources to be able to do it. And for a relatively long period of time I had so many tasks and responsibilities that I had very little time for myself and I decided to reduce my participation within the Desteni Group. Maybe I should not say that my participation is reduced but rather I was in the background doing the best I can within this situation. Thus I was doing very slowly my Desteni I Process course and I have been writing my JTL articles every day for more than 5 years. I will do my best to continue doing it ( writing the articles ) until I finish the 7 years commitment.
Anyway... although I am trying to take a control of the number of my tasks and responsibilities, I am still overloaded with many of them and I do not see that I will be able to increase my participation within the group any soon.
So what now ?
To be continued...