I am catching up with posting online my articles.
It is late. The day was rather easy but still I am stuck and I do not know what to write.
I have started this week again the experiment with the teeth. I have decided that I will be doing every day my mental exercises visualising my teeth in the perfect form and secondly I would dedicate 30 min twice a week into studying and investigating the topic on internet because maybe I will find some helpful information from other people who have already been doing this thing. Apart from this studying and learning in depth the anatomy and physiology of the teeth may also give me some hints into the topic of regenerating my teeth.
Of course I do not know what is going to be effective. But as always I look at it as at any topic. I realise that I am in the middle o the labyrinth and I do not see the exit. But then I know it was me who put myself in this situation by walking into the labyrinth. And then I also know how to make the first step. Thus all that is necessary is to make the decision and just make the first step. And later I will know how to make the second step and so on. I realise that sometimes I may make the mistake I will take the wrong turn but I can always go back and try to go the other way. And eventually I will find the exit.
Thus now it is late but I still have to make my exercises tonight or otherwise I will not fulfil my plan for this week. Of course the lesson here is to not leave it for the last moment. I will improve this point in the future but now I need to do what is necessary.