I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I have found myself and my partner in the situation when my partner was facing a point of weakness. At first I did not see this coming but then I started to notice the change in the voice of my partner during our conversation. This observation was not obvious to see right from the beginning but it started to that something is going on with the time. And so I brought up this point into the conversation.
I was talking directly about what I observe because I wanted to have explanation / confirmation from partner that I am not mistaken. She could not give me the clear explanation and she started to "run away" from the point where she did not feel comfortable with. And so this running away was for me the confirmation. In this moment I realised that my partner needs support and assistance. But nothing was helping. She did not do the transformation because it was all too much for her in this moment.
Now... she realises herself that she did not do the transformation and she is sad about it. And the question is:
What now and what do wee do about it ?
Well... one thing is clear... there is always a constructive solution to any problem that we have in our daily lives. Being sad about something is ok but if we allow ourselves to stay in this point of sadness for too long and through this we accept the role of the victim then we have another problem. And that means that we will have to go through the circle of pain because the pain is the most effective tool to open our eyes.
On the contrary we can realise that we have failed at the transformation point in the moment but it does not mean that we have to repeat the same mistake later. Thus we simply need to gather our forces and transform the point at the next possibility when we give ourselves the chance to do it.
This is as simple as that. It does not matter how many times to fail/fall down. Simply get up and give the best you can to do it another time.