I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I do not know what to write today. I have been quite busy all day today. Though my work intensity is not the same anymore as I start to do also therapeutic work. And this what I wanted to have in my life. Though I still want to have more time for myself and my partner.
And again I am stuck... I am looking at the monitor and I do not know what to write.
I have a busy week ahead of me. I do not like it but still I am on the way to change it soon. What is interesting is that I spend less and less time with Desteni. But then I should not judge myself about it because I am working on putting in practical life the principle of what is best for all. My Structural Resonance Alignment course ( SRA ) is on hold but then I do a lot of work and alignment together with my partner because we touch and work on a lot of deep and profound topics within our relationship.
Now it is late and I start to feel tired. I still have to do my exercises related to strengthening my teeth. Thus I finish it now.