I am catching up with posting online my articles.
So today I have allowed myself to have a day off. This is a different one because I did not even open a computer ( apart from now when I write my JTL article ). But apart from this I did nothing on my computer. So this was cool. I have to stick to my plan of having at least one day off.
In this moment I do not know what to write any more but I will try to think about something. I am not tired yet so I try to analyse my day and see if there were any important points today.
Ok... thus this point with the day off... I am learning within it to create a situation within my life when I have abundance and financial stability and time for myself and my partner. I know that I can continue to work hard and I will earn a lot of money. But then there are already many people who do it and I see that they are not really happy with it. So I will challenge myself to create the abundance and time. And within this there is a condition that I will create the abundance taking into consideration the principle of what is best for all. And I see that I am on a right pathways with it. It may take some time but it does not matter. I will do it no matter what.